Defining Functional Training

In this lesson you will learn to:

  • explore how functional strength training differs from traditional gym training.
  • develop a more exact definition of functional training (especially functional strength training).
  • examine the large variety of goals one may work towards achieving through functional strength training.
  • consider what a great goal and a great outcome from kinetic link training may be.

Additional Reading

The following articles compliment the theory covered within this lesson.

AUTHOR: Wayne Rodgers

Should Athletes Train Like Body-Builders?

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This article examines what it means to train “functionally”. The definition of functional is recognised as “it serves the purpose for which it was intended and it delivers a practical or good outcome”. The author proceeds to suggest that a “good outcome” from training for an athlete would be “a pain-free body that moves with ease, efficiency, strength and control in three-dimensions, now and for years to come” along with a noticeable improvement in sports performance and injury prevention.

AUTHOR: Wayne Rodgers

Top Tips For Functional Strength Training

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This article briefly outlines key concepts that should be considered whenever designing and strength training programs that are truly functional. Three simple rules are discussed: respect the kinetic link principle, train without seats or benches and focus on movement not muscles.