Practical Session: Workout A

An essential component of this course is the study and rehearsal of our Series #1 KLT Workouts. 

In this lesson you are encouraged to watch the videos several times, paying close attention to precise exercise technique and ideally taking notes regarding exercise details whilst listening to the narration. 

You will need to find an appropriate gym or training space to practice each of the exercises in the workout. This training space will ideally have access to dual cables or resistance bands set up at appropriate anchor points. You will also need dumbbells - nothing too heavy (2-5kg) will be sufficient when initially learning the movements.

The desired learning outcome from the practical sessions is that you have experienced the exercises enough times yourself that you feel proficient in the performance of each full body action and feel confident that you could teach the exercises to a client when required.

To assist you in remembering the exercises you when you head to your gym / training space, we recommend you download and print a copy of the Workout A PDF from your downloadable files section.


Series #1: Workout A

This workout includes narrated videos for the following movement patterns:

A1: Anterior Push (symmetrical)

A2: Posterior Pull (asymmetrical)

A3: Superior Push (symmetrical)

A4: Inferior Pull (asymmetrical)

A5: Parallel Squat

A6: Single-Leg Squat

When you are learning the KLT exercises, it is most important to focus on correct technique, good posture, motor-control and neuro-muscular endurance.

Therefore, we recommend performing approximately 15 repetitions (12-18 reps) of each exercise when practicing the workouts for the first time. Movement should be slow and well controlled.

Perform each exercise for at least two sets - allowing for swapping limbs (for example: a change in sides for single-arm exercises or a change in the leading leg if the split squat is part of the full-body movement).

A more detailed analysis of training variables such as reps, sets, load and tempo will occur in Module 3.

A1: Anterior Push (symmetrical)

Anterior Push DA / Mid-Cables + Split Squat (P)

A2: Posterior Pull (asymmetrical)

Posterior Pull SA / Mid-Cable + Split Squat (P)

A3: Superior Push (symmetrical)

Superior Push DA / Dumbbells + Parallel Squat (P)

A4: Inferior Pull (asymmetrical)

Inferior Pull (x-over) SA / High-Cable + Weight-Shifting Squat ALT

A5: Parallel Squat

Wide Parallel Squat + Low-Hold DA / Dumbbell

A6: Single-Leg Squat

Single-Leg Squat (P) + Low-Hold SA / Dumbbell